Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Penultimate Day

One of the highlights of Interstitial Week is--of course--Penultimate Day. For those of you unfamiliar with the word, "penultimate," in its adjectival form, means next to the last ( Hence, under our current calendar system (which has been around for awhile and is probably not going away anytime soon), December 30 is the next to the last day of the year--Penultimate Day.

How does one celebrate Penultimate Day? Well, one really doesn't. About the only time anyone notices the penultimate of anything is when there are only two beers left in the fridge (grab one, stash the other, send someone on a beer run) or when there are two pieces of pizza remaining (be sure to grab the larger one). Also, those of you who have or had infants may have noticed when you got to the penultimate diaper.

However you celebrate (or not) this Penultimate Day, be sure to make it an almost good one!

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